
Solve the following system of equations by substitution and show work.​y=−3x−12−6x+4y=−12

Accepted Solution

The solution of the given system of linear equations is:x=-2, y=-6Step-by-step explanation:Given[tex]y=-3x-12\ \ \ \  Eqn\ 1\\-6x+4y=-12\ \ \ \  Eqn\ 2\\Put\ y=-3x-12\ in\ Eqn\ 2\\-6x+4(-3x-12)=-12\\-6x-12x-48=-12\\-18x=-12+48\\-18x=36\\Dividing\ both\ sides\ by\ -18\\\frac{-18x}{-18}=\frac{36}{-18}\\x=-2\\Putting\ x=-2\ in\ Eqn\ 1\\y=-3(-2)-12\\y=6-12\\y=-6[/tex]Hence, The solution of the given system of linear equations is:x=-2, y=-6Keywords: Linear Equations, VariablesLearn more about linear equations at:brainly.com/question/2115122brainly.com/question/2116906#LearnwithBrainly